Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More Three Weeks to the Suit

Today, considering "the suit," I was planning to step out of my comfort zone and ride my bike to work off those pesky famous five pounds. When I walked into the garage to get my bike I saw a horrific mess. I thought,"a little clean up prior to my bike ride?" I had to decide. Not a difficult question for me. Did I mention that I am intimidated by the bike, scared of the bike, terrified of the bike? I know I need to dominate the bike, but the garage clean up was necessary and it won!

I removed all the junk from the garage and took it to the front yard for trash pick up. That little clean up lasted several hours. Though I found many memories (that I treasure), I also found and a lot of stuff that should have remained with their owners (my children), not in my storage. But that's another story and okay with me.

Boxes are now organized and labeled. Each of my offspring may pick up their belongings and remove them from my garage at their earliest convenience.

My quest for "the suit" will continue.  Perhaps, tomorrow I will ride the bike…maybe!

1 comment:

  1. I read in "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin, that cleaning out one's house is #1 thing on the list. I've only gotton to a couple of drawers and the garage. Now it's time to hit the closets. Good luck with the bike.
