Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Symbiotic Summer

After having lived some fifty-seven summers, I have learned that they are all too fleeting. This one in particular seems to going by at warp speed. This summer began with my daughter-in-law and grandson coming for an extended stay. While waiting on their house closing in Denver, Amanda mused that they were living as gypsies. I, on the other hand, have never been happier than to have the “gypsies” bless our home with fun and laughter. 

Please note that with Riley and Amanda came two Pomeranian pooches. Include our three furry friends and that expanded the pack to five. In a house with a toddler and five dogs, it is reasonable to assume life can get chaotic and at the same time, amusing.

In the mix of dogs is one large, old, wolf-husky with a heart of gold. But, he is rarely alone. Moses comes equipped with his own symbiotic sidekick, Sadie. Sadie is a little Japanese Chen that adores Moses and is always at his side. Amanda suggested that Moses and Sadie reminded her of a white rhino with his own oxpecker. (Now we all know from elementary school science that symbiotic relationships are beneficial both for the host and the parasite. The rhino stays bug free, and the oxpecker stays full and satisfied.) As it turns out, that is true of these two dogs, as well. They have a companionship like no other. Then here comes trouble in the form of a sixteen-month-old fan of extremely large dogs, Riley Walker Eldridge!
White Rhino and Oxpecker
Sadie and Moses

Much to the dismay of Lady Sadie Sarah, she had to share her best friend with her nemesis Riley. Riley, more often than not, was seen climbing or sitting on a dog much larger than he or trying to pull the ears of Miss Sadie, queen of the house. Sadie’s life changed dramatically, as did that of Moses.
Tormenting Sadie
Best Buds!

The tables had turned. Moses had become the oxpecker to Riley. He tolerated behavior that would send most dogs over the edge, but never the less he protected and followed Riley everywhere. Moses is no fool. He instinctively knew that symbiotic relationships are an excellent thing. At some point, a baby will spill, leaving behind a snack for a devoted and loyal friend!


  1. Wonderful post! It is so very timely for me to read.y daughter in law, son and their two cats just moved in for an extended visit, with us and their two year old son. With our two golden retrievers, we should have a fun summer. Thanks for modeling a good attitude.

  2. So much fun! I am sure that Riley is still going through withdrawals from our time in Dallas. :)
